Saturday, May 30, 2009

Early mornings

Okay, my kids get up so early that even the neighbor is complaining. They all crash between 8 and 8:30pm. They get up around 5am and start playing then beg for breakfast. I usually have breakfast on the table by 6am since getting them under control that early can be a challenge.

Around 7am we head out of the house so everyone can get a little more sleep. We go walking around the villa and head down to the exercise park. The kids run around and work out with me. I've already dropped a few pounds too. Lillian is building some "serious" muscle. Mikey is having all sorts of fun throwing pine cones every where and using sticks to pick up things he shouldn't. I told him he couldn't touch cigarette butts or bottle caps etc so he uses sticks to examine them. He also likes kicking the piles of tree flowers/seeds that the street worker have worked so hard to sweep up. Muriel has enjoyed seeing shells in the cement and the "homeless" dogs are amusing. She says they are DIRTY dogs. She has yet to see a cat. The kids are always saying hi, hello or good morning to people on the streets. We get some interesting looks as we wander down the streets with the kids looking at the fish, crabs and other sea life in the restaurant windows. People sometimes stop to watch the kids and often talk to them. It's only a few words but the kids enjoy it. Mikey is getting a lot of attention which he is soaking up. He knows he's "special" and cute so he uses it to his advantage. The girls have yet to figure out why Mikey is getting so much attention. For once, it's not them getting all the attention.

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