Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day trip to Seoul

We left around 10 am and got home about 9pm. Traffic is really bad on saturdays. There's 5 lanes of traffic and people literally squeeze in. There's not room to merge between cars, you force your way in! Plus, you better know where your turn is or you'll be missing it. The traffic would be backed up for a mile at the exit. By the time Terry and Jessica realized the turn was ahead of us, it was too late to get in line.

Our first stop was to the dentist. He had fun with Lillian. She asked him to check her teeth too. Muriel showed off her loose tooth and Mikey told him NO NO NO. I got a cleaning and then a laser treatment for help with the sensitivity problem along my gum line. Although, the zap on my tongue is a bit tender. I'm not sure if he deadened the nerves or what but I don't hurt anymore. AND I didn't have any cavities or loose fillings. Jessica and Terry got their teeth cleaned as well. Then off we went to get lunch. We ate Sam Gye Tang which is boiled chicken with rice, onions and ju ju be. Basically, it's chicken soup with the bird left whole or cut in half. They give you these chili peppers that were horridly hot. I didn't eat get close to them. Terry ate one and he let out a wow. Even he said they were hot. The garlic grass in chili sause was good and it was even better in the soup. Lillian wasn't feeling too hungry because she didn't eat enough dinner and took her medicine so she was looking at her food but not eating it. We finally told her she could have chocolate if she ate her food. That was all it took. She ate most of her bowl in a few minutes flat. Muriel was determined to eat with chop sticks and had a few "water boy" screams while trying to get it right. She finally did and managed to get food in her mouth with the chop sticks. Mikey of course, proved me wrong again. I told Jessica and Terry that the kids could share half a chicken. Mikey rarely eats chicken unless it's a nugget. So, to our surprise he ate nearly the entire half chicken! We had to order an addition chicken because Mikey wanted more and Muriel finished her's off then started looking for more as well. Either they were really hungry or it tasted really good.

We had to drive to the dermatologist after lunch. Several ladies come together after hours to get "work" done. If they want botox, they can split a bottle and 2 or 3 of them can get it done for less than one person would be charged. We all had laser treatments. I got IPL which feels like a 9 volt battery shooting ligtening all over your face with the occasional 12 volt surge. Plus, it's like a lightening show with your eyes closed. Jessica and the other ladies got fraxel. They all looked sunburned afterward and Muriel asked one of them what happened to her. This lady told Muriel that you go back there and stick you head in this box and it blasts your whole head. It turns your face red but you're pretty later. Don't know if she believes her or not. All she knows is we have gooey stuff on our faces. All of us have lotion galore and tons of sunscreen smeared all over our faces and necks.

On our way out, we stopped to watch a guy put fresh sea life in his tank for people to pick out their dinner. There was squid in there and Muriel identified it right off. She was looking at them and told us they were all baby squid. THEN the fellow grabbed sea sponges and made them "pee" on the kids. They all squealed and giggled. This completed our day and we headed back home. Jessica put in the Blue Men cd for the kids to watch and do the motions.

Once home we got everyone ready for bed. Mikey put on his bedtime pants which were boy pants. The other day, he had to wear "magic panties" (that's what the Koreans call them) and they were pink. He kept telling me "I'm NOT a girl!" He told Muriel's a girl, Lillian's a girl, I'm NOT a girl!

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