Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monsoon Season

Oh, the rain has arrived! AND there's lots of it. So much that there was a land slide in Busan last week. We saw an SUV and delivery trucks stranded under an overpass when a "creek" became a rushing river. The tow trucks were sitting there ready to pull the vehicles out but you could tell they didn't know exactly how they were going to accomplish it.

The problem I have encountered is when the rain comes, the window in the kitchen leaks. Which in turn shorts out half the power in the house. Therefore, we end up running extension cords all over the house to keep the refrigerator, stove/oven and microwave running. The extension cords can blow a fuse at any time so keeping an online connection is difficult.

I will be able to download several pictures and videos soon. Sorry the posts are not as often as I'd like. The weather complicates my situation to say the least.

BUT the kids are having a blast. They have been able to play in the rain in their rain boots and rain coats. And they LOVE getting dirty! It's so hard for them. There's not any dirt to play in just puddles of water. We did go clam digging and they loved it. Muriel rolled in the mud and then the sand and ended up "candy coated." I made the girls wear their swim suits so it would be easier to wash them off. We had so many crabs and clams. The girls' Korean teacher took us since I have absolutely no clue how to get to the beach or any where else for that matter. The Korean teacher was even kind enough to hold Mikey and help me scrub all the mud off of him. Mikey kept screaming that the water was cold!

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