Thursday, July 23, 2009

It sucks to be left out

Last night Lillian just wouldn't do her phonics assignment. So, this morning I told Mikey and Muriel to get ready to go for a walk while Lillian did her homework without any distractions. Once out of the house, I informed my children we weren't going for just a walk. WE were going to Incheon Grand Park to have a realy good time! Lillian was told later that IF she had gotten her work done then she could have gone as well. She was upset but did her work and spent the day with Jessica and Terry.

Mikey, Muriel and I met Eddie, the girls' korean teacher, and went to the park. The kids got to go through an interactive building where the effects of pollution and the advantages of recycling are shown. There was also this really cool shadow interactive video. Muriel stood in front of the screen and waved her hands and the flowers bloomed, the tree grew leaves and butterflies flew all over. There were also games- one had you touch and drag trash to the garbage can. Mikey would say 'ta-dah' and then get another piece. The kids ran around a bit and once calmed down we told them we would rent a "bike." We rode what we call a car-cycle. It looks like a golf cart sort of car but with wheels. The kids had so much fun driving it while I pedaled away. Pedaling wasn't easy either. I pedaled so much my legs hurt and I swore my rear end was numb! We did stop for a break and let the kids play on the playground while we adults rested. Then it was time to return the car-cycle. After that it was lunch time, so Mikey and Muriel got some good old fashioned ramen noodles. Now I have to point out that you don't get spoons or forks-just chopsticks. Muriel can eat well with them but Mikey has yet to master them. I helped put noodles on Eddie's lid from his container of watermelon so Mikey could eat the noodles. He was happy and stuffed himself.

Muriel was good to Mikey and had a lot of fun with him. They ran around in a wooded area looking for flowers and just having fun. They ran up and down the trails stopping to look at all the different sites. Mikey had fun playing with some of the toddlers passing by with their moms. Mikey even brought his Thomas the train bubble set! He blew lots of bubbles and then chased them too. I on the other hand, sat in the shade talking to Eddie. He has been very insistant that I stay in the shade because I have a serious sunburn as it is. Everyone here makes sure I put on sunscreen faithfully. I nearly blistered last week while at Sondo Park where there's not enough leaves on the trees to protect me- I stayed in the shade but it didn't help. I burned the tops of my arms and legs. My skin was hot for 3 days and that was after using ice packs to help draw the heat out. I suppose it is total shock and awe here for people when they see me burned. First, Koreans don't burn like I do so they are shocked to see me. THEN it's the complete awe of the burn as they take a second and third look at me. The students at the school laid their hands gently on my legs and felt the heat of the burn.

After a full day of fun, we headed back to the school. Lillian was glad to see us and had to put in her two cents about wanting to go to the park too. I told her she should have done her homework when it was time and she would have gone with us.

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