Friday, June 26, 2009

Brief update

Mikey has been going with his little girl friend to the park while I help at the school. He has warmed up to the mom and let his true colors show. He was NAUGHTY! Mikey ran off and wouldn't listen while at the park. The mom was a bit upset he wouldn't come when told. BUT she bought him ice cream and cookies. Reward bad behavior and you'll get more of it!

The girls are doing well in phonics class. They had their first spelling test Monday. Lillian got a 65 and Muriel an 80. Their teacher counts the word wrong if a letter is written backwards. So, they didn't really "miss" all the words but wrote the letters wrong. Each girl had to write the missed words several times as homework.

Today, they have another spelling test. So, they took a practice test this morning. I think they will do better this time. Although, Koreans do not pronounce the word during the test. The teacher holds up a picture and the students write the word. The test is completely silent. The teacher doesn't use the word in a sentence either. This is very difficult for Lillian. She likes to hear the word so she can figure out the spelling. And she has to write each word instead of typing, using magnetic letters or verbally spelling the words. And for Muriel, this is all new to her. She has never had a spelling test so I think she is doing very well.

Tae Kwan Doe is going well. The class has new students since the "little white" kids started. I think there's close to 20 students now when there were only 8 or 9 before the kids joined the class. Mikey is a bit of a challenge. He runs around a lot. Guess the TKD staff puts up with him since they are making a bundle off the kids. At least Mikey knows part of the chant and can kick and punch now. He's always shouting the part of the chant he knows every time he sees someone in their uniform or when people say hi to him on the street.

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