Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The day began nice enough but soon I realized it was going to rain. The rain was a nice change and of course it started while I was teaching the youngest class. The lightening and thunder were big too. Flashes here and there with the boom of thunder interupted us very couple of minutes. The storm soon passed and everything was bright and shiny again.

My kids had their Korean lessons early today. When they were done, it was my turn to tutor the tutor. About half way through, my kids got themselves ready for tae kwan doe without being told. Muriel was listening closely for the bus to come. She was so excited when I told her the bus was arrived and she bursts out of the building. Mikey was right behind her and I made sure Lillian didn't fall down the stairs. Off all 3 kids went without any problems. Upon returning, we asked how class went. Muriel said she cried again but only for a little while. She said today was better and tomorrow will be even better than today. Lillian said they got to use the "chucks" and it was lots of fun. They all came home with a trading card of some sort. I'm just glad they are enjoying themselves. It is important for them to get some social development while here. Amazingly, Lillian is doing very well. We've only had a few melt downs. She has argued some but not like usual. Maybe it has to do with having and Aunt and an Uncle that are teachers backing up mommy every waking moment. All 3 of my kids are getting tag teamed. They don't have a choice and they are told so. Now, we just have to get them to keep their bodies and their stuff in the "triangle" room at the school.

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