Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer Camp

Summer camp has begun. The younger kids come in the morning from 9am to noon and the older students come from 1pm to 4pm. The first monday of the month is game day, so monday, August 3rd, we will play games all day long.

Lillian and Muriel are in English classes in the morning. They do listening excerises and writing as well. After lunch, they take the bus to Tae Kwan Doe. When they return to the school, they have Korean class. At 4pm, we clean the school and leave by 5pm. It makes for a long day to say the least.

All three children are doing well and learning a lot. The girls are using the Korean they have learned sometimes against their will. I refuse to speak for them and demand they talk for themselves. I will give Mikey his money to pay for his own snack or drink too. He is only 4 years old but there are things he CAN do. It is important for children to feel they have some control in their lives. Even if it is only deciding whether to drink milk or water, that decision making builds into other aspects of their lives.

The girls have gotten pretty good at demonstrating their skills in TKD. Mikey likes to show us what he learns as well. It's so cute to ask him what he did today in TKD then we ask him to show us. He has the form down pretty well and can throw some good punches and kicks. I'm sure he'll be using them against his sister's soon enough. He just hasn't figured it out that he can use the techniques on a person yet. I'm not telling him either. That would not be good parenting on my part to encourage him to use his hands and feet instead of his words to express himself.

The children are very tired at the end of their day. Some days we go some where after school. Then we hussle the kids off to bed and hope they fall asleep sooner rather than later.

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