Thursday, June 4, 2009

Trip to eyeglass shop

Shuffling kids around has been interesting. Kids go to Tae Kwan Doe while I'm teaching. And Terry had to peel Mikey off my leg crying and put him on the bus. I don't know why he and Muriel took a turn but they did. Muriel was sulking and Mikey suddenly didn't want to ride the bus. They were fine 5 minutes later. Less crying at class too. I figure after the first week, they'll be used to it and look forward to class every day. They say they like and want to go until the bus arrives. I literally have to stay in the classroom so the kids have to go down stairs with Terry. If I go, they suddenly freak.

When class was over, Terry took the kids over to Inha Optical to meet Jessica. He also carried his pointing stick so my children would behave. The Koreans had seen me with my wooden spoon a few days before and were laughing at the sight of Terry with that stick. Here they use the shoe spoons to whack their kids with. And as they get older they break out the golf clubs. So, a wooden spoon is a shocking sight. Most people gasp when they hear Jessica say her "sister has a wooden spoon for her kids." I don't even touch them with it, I just point it and tap the chair and tell them to SIT DOWN, BE QUIET etc. I guess it's the threat. The kids were pretty good though. Once back, the kids changed clothes and we went to another optical store. We bought several pairs of children's frames. The girls really had fun trying on all the different frames. Mikey got to pick out new ones too. The guy quickly understood we didn't want metal frames. And helped us find plastic ones that won't break as easy. I'll have to look around for some adult ones too. I'm sure I'll be needing them.

We picked up fresh produce on the way back to the school. The kids were fascinated by the mushrooms. There were several kinds and boxes full of growing mushrooms. We wanted lettuce, eggplant and carrots. Each was only 1000 won. Pretty cheap for fresh produce. And for some reason, Mikey has taken a sudden dislike for carrots. He says "carrots are for rabbits. I don't eat carrots." Silly kid!

Jessica and I made fajitas for dinner. She whipped up some fresh corn tortillas out of corn flour. They were like a taco but thicker. It was a nice fast dinner and the kids stuffed their faces. THEN they got their "orders" to hold their hands together and march to the bathroom to wash. We tell them to keep their hands folded so they won't touch the furniture or wall paper.


  1. Your kids are going through a culture shock... of course they're freaking out. This experience is going to be with them the rest of their lives. I hope you realize this.

  2. Culture shock is an understatement. The only words they hear are hi, bye and happy day on a regular basis. There are a few kids at the school that talk to them so they do get some interesting social interactions. Other than that, they are stuck to me like velcro as usual.

  3. I'll never understand why you have them over there with the political situation the way it is... Are they even asking about thier family? I haven't heard you mention thier dad once in the whole blog? Or how they're adjusting to being away from the states? And the rest of the family?

  4. For starters, the political situation is not as bad as it seems. There is more worry over rioting since the ex-president's apparent suicide and investigation. N.K. does this every year so the people here are not worried. PLUS, the U.S. Embassy sends out notices. We'll know before the rest of the world if there is anything to worry about. As to my children and their relationship with their father and the rest of our family- their conversations are PRIVATE and will remain that way. We talk every day. Their father knows our daily schedule as well. I don't even put everything that goes on in this blog. We do have a right to privacy.

  5. I can respect that for sure... just curious. (not really any of my business I know) But you seem to put everything else down. It just seemed odd. Sorry for the remark. Please tell the kids I said hello. Love ya all! I'll try and refrain from making anymore remarks like that. It was late and I'd just got home from work. (You know how pissy us Thompson men are after work) Any blogging is good. Actually I do like all the details that you are putting in. It's very interesting. Love to see more photos.

    Uncle Danny

  6. Sorry..... but I heard you were mad at me? I didn't mean to make you mad...

    I HOPE EVERYONE IS DOING WELL OVER THERE... Sounds like your doing a lot of traveling.... I remember when I was in Seoul that was back in 1988 when they were building the Olympic Village for the OLYMPICS. Did you get to stay on Seoul for very long?

    All my best to you and the kids!
    Uncle Danny

  7. I'm not mad just wondered why all the QU's. Kids are fine. No trips to the E.R. yet. I have to say they are really enjoying being here. We have been to Seoul a few times- used public transportation and private car to get there and back. I refuse to drive to Seoul though. You've never seen crazy until you are in that traffic! A lot of traveling and walking around to get to ONE place. By the time you get there, you don't want to do anything because you're tired.

  8. Yes.. I've been to Korea twice... Seoul is a WHACKY place to be a stranger. Did I tell you I was kidnapped for two days in Seoul by Students? This was in 1988. They got me drunk on Soju. Piru budu rogh kam sa ni dah!
    I know how to say it but can't remember how to spell it. But they tought me how to say Take me to pier eight please.. and then dumped me on the sidewalk.. I took a cap back to the boat. It was crazy! Not a safe place for a young sailor...let alone tiny tots.. I suppose that's why I was sounding so alarmed in my previous messages... Take care, enjoy the moments and take tons and tons of pics! I'm saving all I find on here to cdrom so I can make an album. So keep posting all the pics you can. huggs to all!

    Uncle Danny.
    email me what you can if you don't want to put things in the blog...
    and if you ever chat on

  9. Actually the kidnapping incident was not in Seoul but in Pohang... on the east coat. We use to go every March and April. Kind of cold that time of year.
